- This is a CHRISTIAN–BASED ORGANIZATION, promoting a FAMILY–FRIENDLY waterfowl hunting environment. If you have questions, please ask.
- RESPECT the blind properties, we are guests.
- RESPECT other Members, they are your partners!
- Drugs, alcohol, or smoking are all PROHIBITED at any time on all properties. Please use good judgment if you are using prescription drugs that adversely impact your judgment or motor capabilities.
- Use of foul language or other inappropriate behavior may result in the termination of membership.
- All Members are required to either participate in 4 mandatory workdays or pay a buyout fee of $400 ($100 per workday) upfront. Your decision is indicated by the signature block below. If you select the 4-day buyout option, the $400 fee MUST be paid before you can make reservations. Or, you may buyout any number of workdays at $100 each upfront. YOU MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2 WORKDAYS COMPLETED OR 2 WORKDAYS BOUGHT OUT TO BE ALLOWED ON THE RESERVATION SYSTEM! The mandatory workdays which are intended to ensure the opportunity for quality hunting are:
- Clean-up and prep of decoys and blind materials to be ready for deployment.
- Blind setup and brushing. This workday will be scheduled by the Blind Coordinators when the fields are ready.
- End of season pickup of decoys and blind materials. This workday will be scheduled by the Blind Coordinators.
All remaining work, primarily blind maintenance, will be performed by Blind Teams (everyone not exercising the buyout will be assigned to a blind team). Each Blind Coordinator will be responsible for working with assigned team members to perform the remaining work requirements.
For members absolutely unable to attend the initial workday, there may be a few assignments that can be performed in “make-up” for that workday but you MUST speak to someone on the Leadership Team in advance of that scheduled workday. If a member joins after a workday has passed or a member misses a “mandatory” workday, they have a 2 week window to complete a workday or have to buy out the missed workday.
And if you commit to work but do not show up, you will be assessed a fee of $100 for each mandatory workday not fulfilled. And, you will not be able to make reservations until the fee is paid for missing the first or second mandatory workday.
- Members who elect to perform the workdays but do not participate in all of the required work activities (as reported by the Blind Team Coordinators) will be required to pay $100 for each work activity missed. AND they will not be allowed to make reservations or hunt until such payment has been made for any missed clean- up or set-up workdays.
- Before Members (Adult) can make any reservations, they must have: 1) met the first two work-day requirements; and 2) signed all required releases and other required documents which can be downloaded from, and uploaded after signature to, the website. The documents which must be signed include the G1 Duck Club Rules, the G1 Club Release, any other property Release forms, and, if applicable, the ATV Rules and Release form. You will be notified by email when the forms are available in the “Documents” tab on the website. Junior Members (those who pay the reduced membership fee) must have their required releases and other forms signed by their parent, adult guardian or Adult Member sponsor.
- All Members are expected to report to the Leadership Team any failures by others to follow membership rules. The Leadership Team will appropriately address the violation. Certain violations, as well as repeated abuses/violations, can result in termination of membership without refund.
- The G1 HUNTING WEBSITE is available to facilitate downloading and uploading of required forms; obtaining maps; scheduling hunts; posting harvest results; sharing stories and pictures; and sharing positive feedback. It is not to be used to express criticism, complaints, negative feedback, or gossip. Though such communications can be important to improving the club, they should be directly communicated to the appropriate Field Staff listed for each blind on the website and/or anyone on the Leadership Team.
- RESERVATIONS for a future hunting date can be made at any time but Members may have only one advanced reservation at any time (i.e. they may not make another advanced reservation until that hunt has passed or been canceled). An advanced reservation is one that is for a hunt later than the next day. Members have the option to make additional next-day reservations starting at 6:00 pm the day before a hunt if space is available; provided that, a Member may hunt a maximum of 4 times in a given week (Monday-Sunday); If you have any questions regarding this policy, please ask someone on the Leadership Team.
- Members MUST make a reservation prior to showing up in a blind. This includes moving to another blind on the day you already have a reservation. Violations will
result in suspensions and repeated violations will result in the termination of membership.
- CANCELLATIONS: Reservations you will not be filling MUST be canceled. If you do not cancel before 6:00 pm on the day before the reservation, it will count as 1 of your limited hunts for that week. Continued no shows without cancellations can result in the termination of membership.
- HARVEST REPORTS – After each hunt, Members are required to complete a Harvest Report that is available on the website. This allows us to make the necessary reports to the State and is how we keep track of blind usage and performance. This is crucial when deciding whether to keep a blind for the following season.
- GUEST POLICY: Bringing adult hunter Guests (any licensed non-member hunter) is the best way to expose potential new members to the G1 Duck Club but Members are limited to 2 adult hunter Guests per ½ season. The first ½ of the season is opening day through Sunday December 15th; the second ½ of the season is the balance of the regular waterfowl season. Guests (licensed adult and junior hunters) can be signed-up hunt with a Member no earlier than 24 hours the day before the hunt day (i.e. starting at 6:00 AM for morning hunts and 12 noon for afternoon hunts). All Guests must have completed all applicable forms (i.e. signed and uploaded to the website) before the hunt. The documents which must be signed include the G1 Duck Club Rules, the G1 Duck Club Guest Release, and, if you will be hunting at one of the NESTOR blinds, the NESTOR Release. The Member is responsible for uploading the signed documents to our website and MUST be present with the Guest in the blind.
- The Guest Policy applies to junior hunters who are not a Junior Member; provided, junior hunter Guests do not count as one of the limited number of hunting Guests. The requirement for signing/uploading the required documents applies to junior hunter Guests and a parent or guardian must also sign the forms (i.e. in addition to the junior hunter).
- A non-hunting adult may also be signed up as a Guest to go to a blind with a Member, but all of the above requirements apply; however, the non-hunter will not count as one of the limited number of adult hunter Guests.
- JUNIOR MEMBERS: Junior Members are subject to the same rules for making and canceling reservations with the additional requirement that the junior hunter must be hunting with an Adult Member. The Guest Policy also applies to Junior Members but if their Guest is another junior hunter, they must both hunt with the same Adult Member. No more than two (2) junior hunters may hunt with an adult Member at any time.
- DOGS: Only ONE dog is allowed in a blind. The first member to book in AND indicate they have a dog will be the member allowed to bring their dog. In addition a dog MUST be under control at all times. The blind is not a training place for your dog. G1 DUCK CLUB IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DOG FIGHTS OR INJURIES.
- All State and Federal Fish and Wildlife Laws MUST BE FOLLOWED. Violations, including reports from Members, can lead to termination of membership without refund. Remember, Game Wardens can and do come onto private properties with our blessings.
- ABSOLUTELY NO VEHICLES are allowed on properties except in designated parking areas, unless authorized by a G1 Leadership Team.
- Parking is allowed in designated areas only and Parking Passes MUST be displayed in the front window. The Parking Passes may be downloaded from the website and must have the Members name filled in. Certain Blind locations may require an additional Parking Pass that must also be displayed.
- All-terrain vehicles, or quads, are allowed on all properties subject to conditions of the roads used for ingress/egress. It is the responsibility of each Member to check the website page for specific rules as well as specific property conditions or restrictions. Also, you must register the ATV with the club by signing/uploading the ATV rules/release document on the website.
- ALL MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. If you don’t know, ask another Member or staff member. You are not allowed to hunt outside designated hunt areas (the immediate areas surrounding each blind including the trails/roads to and from the blinds). Getting wounded/crippled birds are of course an exception to this. Abide by all signs and posted areas. There is ABSOLUTELY NO CAMPING; these properties are Day Use Only. No Open Fires are allowed.
- Any gates on the blind properties are to be left in the same open or closed position as you encounter when arriving.
- DO NOT LITTER – Not only is it inconsiderate, It Is Against the Law. Pick up your trash and empty shells before leaving the blind. No processing (plucking or drawing) of birds is allowed on the properties. It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain the blinds BEFORE AND AFTER their hunt, including putting covers on before leaving.
- Do Not Damage fences, farm improvements, or livestock. Agricultural practices are necessary on the premises and take precedence. Hunting shall not interfere with any such agricultural activities.
- Arrive at designated parking areas in time to ensure that you are at the blind at least twenty (20) minutes before legal shoot time. No one likes a blind-mate (or adjacent blind hunter) that spooks birds that are working or settling in just before shoot time.
- NO SKY-BUSTING – Respect the Blinds Around you …work the birds in your sphere, not other neighboring blinds. If birds are clearly over another blind and working, don’t try to call them off. And remember, noise travels a greater distance over water.
A WARNING will be issued for the first offense, a 2-WEEK SUSPENSION for the second violation, a third violation and we will TERMINATE your membership.
- DO NOT WALK ON CHECKS THE LAST 50 YARDS INTO THE BLIND, enter from the water. That will protect/maintain the cover which is crucial for late season hunting. A walking stick is a good aide.
- Absolutely no adjustments of boards or water levels in the fields is allowed by anyone other than the designated staff. If you see a problem (flooding or low water) report it to anyone on the Leadership Team.
- All Members are expected to report to the Leadership Team any failures by others to follow membership rules. The Leadership Team will appropriately address the violation. Certain violations, as well as repeated abuses/violations, can result in termination of membership without refund.
I, _ , have read and understand these G1 Duck Club hunting rules and agree to abide by them. I fully understand that failure to do so may result in termination of my membership in the G1 Duck Club without any refund of membership fees paid.
_____I am electing to BUYOUT ______ of the 4 mandatory workdays in paragraph 6 paying the correct amount for number of days bought out ($100 per workday)
Member, Parent/Guardian (or Guest) Signature Date
Junior or Guest Signature Date